Oh. [ Yawning ]
Thereyou are.
[ Yawning ]
'Night. Willow.
[Birds Crying]
[ Rool ]
This way! This way!
What areyou doing?
I found some blackroot.
She loves it!
Blackroot? I am
the father oftwo children.
and you never. ever
give a baby blackroot.
Well. my mother
raised us on blackroot.
It's good forya!
It puts hair on your chest.
- Doesn't it. Sticks?
- Her name is not Sticks.
She's Blora Danan.
the future empress ofTirAsleen.
And the last thing she's gonna
want is a haiy chest!
[ Blora Whimpering ]
Did you see what he did?
He stole our blackroot. I'll get
some more. don't wory about it.
- There it is! The island!
- [ Laughing ]
We made it.
[Franjean] Wehave ledyou to
theislandofthesorceress Fin Raziel.
- We'll get a boat in that village.
- A big boat. [ Chuckles ]
Well. looks like
I gotyou here.
What did you do?
All you did was hang around
and eat our eggs! Huh?
I found a boat.
We're all set.
Good. Take these two lizards
out and drown them.