Yes. Sorta.
I'm a farmer.
- But I do know a few tricks.
- Tricks?
Cherlindrea sent you?
You must learn real magic.
- Horses!
- Horses!
Quick! Take her! Hurry!
I knew he was a traitor!
- Sorry about this, peck.
- Keep your mouth shut.
I told you we'd find them
without your help.
- Give me that baby!
- No!
- Give her back!
- Leave me alone! Don't touch me!
This is the one
we're looking for.
We must take it back
to Nockmaar.
Lose your skirt?
- I've still got what counts.
- Not for long.
- Bring him.
- Over here!
We'll never keep up
with those horses.
- Then we will have to track them.
- That would take forever.
Besides, even if we find them,
they'll catch us...
stick us in cages, torture us
and finally devour us.
Are you suggesting we go home?
- Nah. This is more fun.
- All right.
Fine, then.
Come on.