- So, how do you think the party's going?
- Pretty well, I think.
Should I stop serving now?
- Better make one more round.
- Right.
I'd help, but we can't busy the quarterback
with passing out the Gatorade.
Arnie, my hero. You've come.
I have an idea
and you said I could come to you.
Well, you know how Trask Industries has
been looking to buy into broadcasting?
- The department is...
- Working on it, yeah.
I've been following it myself,
and all of a sudden I thought "radio."
- Trask is looking for television stations.
- So is every Tom, Dick and Harry.
My idea is that they get their feet wet in radio
and build from there.
It's not as glamorous
as jumping right into TV,
but it's a solid place to start
and there's a lot more of them for sale.
Plus it would solve Trask's problem with
the Japanese trying to take him over,
because FCC forbids foreign ownership
of radio as well as TV.
Interesting. You've been
following this, you say?
No chance you overheard it,
say on the elevator?
- No, no way.
- Somewhere.
It's my idea.
Good, good.
- Discuss it with anyone else?
- Nope. You think there's something there?
Well, I can think it through for you.
Leave me your notes. I'll have a look-see.
I've been trying to get into the entrée
programme and this would be a big push.