It's this tower room with a canopy bed
and a fireplace big enough to stand in.
Perfect. Evertyhing's in place.
- For what?
- The man I've been seeing for a while.
I think he's it. And I think
this could be the weekend we decide.
He said there was something very important
he wanted to discuss with me.
I think he's gonna pop the question.
- You do?
- I think so.
We're in the same city now.
I've indicated that I'm receptive to an offer.
I've cleared the month of June.
And I am, after all, me.
What if he doesn't pop the question?
I really don't think that's a variable.
Tess, you don't get anywhere in this world
by waiting for what you want to come to you.
You make it happen.
Watch me, Tess. Learn from me.
By the way, I ran your Trask radio idea
by some of our people.
It seems Trask is dead set on television.
But it wasn't out in left field either.
I really liked the idea.
You just keep plugging and bring me
your ideas, and we'll see what we can do.
- Thank you, Katharine.
- Tess...
Look at me. Who makes it happen?
I do.
Who does?
I do. I make it happen.
That's right. Only then
do we get what we deserve.