Else they're gonna find out,
you're not gonna have yourjob, or any job.
You lost your man and your home already.
I'm gonna come clean as soon as
I get my end set up. I swear.
- I know what I'm doing.
- So do I. Screwin' up your life.
No, I'm trying to make it better.
I'm not gonna spend my life
working my ass off and getting nowhere
just because I followed rules that
I had nothing to do with setting up, OK?
Tess McGill's office.
Katharine... No.
Of course it's still your office. I was just...
I'll see you, Tess.
Sometimes I sing and dance
around the house in my underwear.
Doesn't make me Madonna. Never will.
- Are you there?
- Yes, Katharine.
Don't get too used to those long lunches.
I'm coming back a week from today.
A week from today?
Isn't that faster than you thought?
Well, the doctor says I've got great bones.
Of course, his aren't too bad either.
Anyway, I need you to summarise
the Baron Oil prospectus...
Hi, Schatz.
And send that to me along with
the last two quarterly reports.
- You are a sport.
- Yes, I'm a sport.
OK. Bye.
So what kind of figures
have you been throwing at 'em?
Well, no exact figures yet.
What's their ballpark?
I want to get them excited about the concept
before I start throwing actual figures at them.
- Are they excited?
- They're going to be.
Wait a minute.
I've been working on this thing
for 36 hours straight.