Working Girl

I don't wanna get buried
under a little piece of tape.

No one's trying to do that.
OK, so I've been in a little bit of a slump.
I'm not afraid to admit it. Give me
a break here. Don't go leading me on.

If you got doubts about me,
say 'em to my face. Give me that much.

I don't have any doubts about you.
You need me, you know.
- I mean any doubts about your ability.
- You need me at that meeting.

Is he jet-lagged, or he just lunches late?
Three o'clock's a late lunch.
Well, it's not exactly lunch,
but there will be food there.

- What's the story, Tess?
- It's his daughter's wedding.

- That's the meeting?
- It's perfect.

He's happy, he's had a little champagne.
We look for an opening. Trust me.

What are we supposed to do?
Jump out of the wedding cake?

Don't be silly.
Welcome to our party. Come in.
Hello. Nice to see you.
Do you know which table you're at?

- No...
- Yes. I do, darling.

I see Phyllis. Come on.
Glad you could make it.
Oren and Barbara Trask.

- Tess McGill. What a great idea.
- Jack Trainer.

- It's so nice to see you again.
- Well, the kids thought it would be fun.

- You must be friends of Mark's.
- Well, let's get you over there.
