- Of course I do.
- Excuse us.
Talk about a small world, huh?
I mean, here we've just met and yet I feel
I've spent so much time working with you.
In a way. I'm in Mergers and Acquisitions
at Petty Marsh.
I really wish we were having more luck
with your team.
So do I. So do I.
I've been trying to set you up
with a radio network,
but my bosses think you're stuck on
acquiring television and won't listen.
- Well, that's not true.
- That's what I said.
I said that the man who in 1971
looked into the future
and saw that it was named
microwave technology,
the man who applied Japanese management
ideas while others kowtowed to the unions,
the man who saw the Ma Bell break-up
coming from miles away,
this man did not get to be
this man-you, I mean -
by shutting himself off to new ideas.
Am I right or am I right?
- I think you're right.
- Damn straight I'm right.
If you have a property, I'd love to hear.
- You would?
- Well, absolutely.
- What looks good now?
- There she is.
I just realised that I...
I'm hogging the father of the bride.
And I see Phyllis coming... What do you say
that I give you a call on Monday?
- Our media consultant is Tim Draper.
- Tim. Right.
- Honey, I'm starved.
- So am I.
- Bye.
- Bye.
Go ahead and laugh. He wants us to meet
with his people first thing Monday.
Oren Trask? The man who said "What if
we sliced the bread before we sold it?"
All right...
No, no, no. I loved it.
I had fun. And you were amazing.
- You think so?
- Amazing.
The Fort Worth station-projected revenues
should read up 8, not 6.