And where it says the FCC ruling on
Metro's Memphis transmitter is pending,
that's outdated. FCC approved it Friday.
Doubles the signal reach.
Ups the station's value by 30.
And now back to our regularly
scheduled programming.
I guess we're ready.
- Trainer and McGill.
- Yes. Top of the stairs.
Are we waiting for Mr Trask?
Mr Trask doesn't sit in at this level.
Of course he doesn't.
Here's the way we see it. Trask Industries
has two important needs to meet at this time.
By acquiring Metro Radio Network,
you nail two birds with one stone...
Excuse me. Do you have any
other proposals besides Metro?
- No. Why?
- Metro's a terrific opportunity.
I'm sure it is, but a Chicago group
just put a bear hug on Metro this morning
and the company's in play.
- Just this morning?
- Who?
The Slade brothers.
Trask isn't aiming at radio anyway.
We certainly don't want
to get into a bidding war.
A moment, please.
Armbrister looks at Metro as if it were part
of his family. He cares who he's selling to.