- You're not her secretary.
- I can explain, Jack.
Oh, Jesus. You are her secretary.
While I was laid up with broken bones,
she rifled through my desk, found my memo
outlining a Trask radio acquisition
and has been passing it off as her idea.
It was my idea. She stole it from me, I swear.
Good God, Tess.
Don't you know when to stop?
But you're lying.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you all so much.
The upside is that I have found out
in time to control the damage.
We have containment
and we have a deal on the table.
I say pass me a set of papers
and let's get on with it.
Who's running this thing?
Just a second, please.
I know you don't believe me, but...
It doesn't matter. I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
Well, gentlemen.
The players may have changed,
but the game is the same.
The name of the game is "Let's make a deal".