Come on lad.
Hurry up, don't be afraid.
You want to play games, pendejo?
You red-assed Mexican greaser.
You do it with your horse!
- Mexican greaser!
- Come here you little white chicken shit!
Greaser! Greaser...
Come on greaser, cut me there!
Hey, hey! Knock it off,
knock it off, hey!
- Cut me there, Mexican!
- Hey! Knock it off! You know better, Chavez!
- Navajo! Navajo!
- Enough!
John's back. Now wash it up
and in your supper clothes! Now!
Both of you!
Who are them?
"They", William. "Who are they?"
They are the boys of the dregs...
the flotsam and jetsam
of frontier society, if you will.
We got room in the
bunkhouse, my young man.
If you don't want to stay, the Santa Fe
runs out of Albuquerque in the morning.
Glad you're back, Doc.
Stile hold the rope, inside.
- John bring another hard case in?
- Hope it ain't another Mexican.
you son-of-a-bitch!
If you do wish to stay, well,
we have just the job for you.