- Alex...
- What the hell happened, Doc?
There's a whirlwind out there.
When you're in it, you can't get out.
I'm sorry.
I was wondering if you
remember that China doll?
You know at the dance, fandango?
I was sort of thinking that,
cause you're lawyer and all...
maybe that there was
a legal way to...
I don't even have enough ground
to stand on anymore, Doc, I mean it.
Okay, yeah.
Take care of yourself, Alex, okay?
But what the hell's
the matter with him?
I don't know, he's just belly-achin'
about something or another
that he read in the newspaper.
He got mighty spooked.
Dirty Steve told me, Billy...
told me what
they're writing in the papers.
Steven told him about the party
sheriff Peppin's planning for us.
- Party? Oh, you mean the hanging.
- Callate, chivato.
Goddamn it, Billy?
You've ever see a man hanged?
His face turns flat purple...
and his eyes come up on him.
Yeah, I seen Red Smitty hang.
Seen his head come clean off!
It was a hell of a sight!
I don't think Charley
wants to hear about Red Smitty.