Billy, what the hell
are we gonna do now?
We're gonna show these guys
they've finally met their match.
- Hey Peppin!
- I'm hearing you Bonney!
I see you got Charley Crawford
down there with you.
Yeah, we got a whole lot...
- Oh my God!
- Damn!
Hey, Peppin?
Charley Crawford
ain't with you anymore!
- You alright, Doc?
- Yeah.
When are these boys
gonna give up?
You okay ma'am?
- You okay? You okay?
- Yeah.
- Charley!
- Yeah?
Take two rifles, go on upstairs!
You goin' with him and load heavy!
Steve! Go on up
and cover the north side!
This may be your last chance
to handle John's case.
Active participation in a gun battle
would negate
my life insurance policy.
I can't do that!
We know you can shoot Bonney,
- but we can too! Give it up!
- Chavez!