I don't care what other parents are saying.
Now, listen to me.
I tell you, no demonstrations.
Tomorrow you go to school.
But there'll be nobody at school, Baba.
Then you and Robert will be the only ones.
What do I say to Mr. Ben?
"Thank you for the school fees,
but my son doesn't want to learn"?
Let Mr. Ben keep his white money
for his Boer education.
We want to learn in English.
We don't want to learn Afrikaans.
You don't understand, Baba.
They don't want us to be really educated.
If we learn in Afrikaans,
we have no future, Baba.
They want us to be
messenger boys, mine boys...
And garden boys like me.
Yes, Baba.
Everybody knows that you're a wise man.
Everybody comes to ask your advice.
And they respect you.
You should be a lawyer, Baba.
But what are you?
This is a peaceful demonstration.
We know the police will come.
But be calm. Be cool.
Remember, this is a protest march.
We are not here to fight the police.
Let's go.
Bantu education!