I can't imagine why he's being detained.
You'd be surprised how many...
honest, churchgoing Bantu
we come across during a working day.
Meneer Du Toit, our task is not an easy one.
The press screaming bloody murder,
especially the English...
and they will be the first to squeal
if the Reds took over, make no mistake.
We're just doing our job.
I'm sure you understand.
Of course I understand, Colonel.
I know how complex your position is.
I was just trying to say that...
we're only human,
and we can all make a mistake.
Yeah, we can indeed.
Meneer Du Toit, we can indeed.
And I think one might have been made here.
Would you mind if I asked you
a few questions about Ngubene?
I'd welcome it.
Did he ever discuss
his son's death with you?
I was the one who broke the news to him.
But he accepted the truth?
Well, he was upset, of course.
But he is a religious man, and in time
he will resign himself to it, I'm sure.
You mean he hasn't?
Was he angry? Rebellious?
Come along, Colonel.
If someone told you
that your child had died...
and wouldn't tell you how it happened
or where the body was buried...
wouldn't you be upset?
We told him how his son died.
And when the time is right,
we will tell him where he's buried.
What are you waiting for?
- You have a son, Meneer Du Toit?
- Yes.
Does he burn and destroy
everything he can lay his hands on?
No. And neither does mine.
That's what I can't understand...
after everything the government
does for them, with an open heart.
Think about it.
We're for you, not against you.
Believe me,
I'm with you all the way, Colonel.
If Ngubene is the innocent man you claim,
he will be released soon.