Now he is dead because of my neglect.
I have known that family
for 15 years, Mr. McKenzie.
I cannot give it up.
That does make a difference, of course.
There must be some penalty under law
for those who commit murder.
Mr. Du Toit, may I ask you...
how long you have lived with us
in South Africa?
All my life.
I'm afraid that I am...
I'm just not the barrister that you're seeking.
I'm sorry.
I'm confused, Mr. McKenzie.
I thought that you had
undertaken many cases and won them...
in support of human rights.
No, you see, what you don't realize...
that every time I've won a case,
they simply changed the law.
So, therefore,
my considered counsel to you...
is to just simply chuck the lot.
I shall find another barrister,
and I shall prove you wrong.
Good afternoon, Mr. McKenzie.
Please sit down, Mr. Du Toit.
I will take your case.
I will take your case,
if only to make it abundantly clear...
how justice in South Africa is misapplied...
when it comes to the question of race.
Emily, how are you?
- This is Father Masonwane.
- Benjamin Du Toit.
- This is my friend, Margaret Ledwaba.
- Benjamin Du Toit.
Here, take this one.
Emily, I have been to see Mr. McKenzie...