Good heavens!
Some friend will have done that to him...
to make a propaganda photograph
in tomorrow's press.
And will his suicide tonight
make another propaganda photograph...
in tomorrow's press?
Your Worship, we are out there
every day of our lives...
fighting these terrorists and communists.
And this man here...
tries to cast unwarranted suspicion
on the Special Branch.
Special Branch?
Mr. Peterson, the photographs.
I'll give you Special Branch. Thank you.
I have photographs here...
that I'm sure will make you
rather proud of your Special Branch, sir.
He tried to throw himself against the bars
of his window. We had to restrain him.
With clubs and whips?
No, we used no clubs, no whips.
Then how do you account for
these lacerations...
these crisscross lacerations
across his front and back?
He must have hit the bars
when he tried to jump out of his window.
He behaved like a wild animal.
Captain Stolz,
would you have this court believe...
that this man tried to throw himself
through the window forwards...
and being frustrated in that effort...
he turned himself round...
and with great force, threw himself
backwards towards the window?
Would you care to demonstrate that
for this court?
Very well.
Now, as for the very special
and good works of your Special Branch.
The seventh right rib broken.
The right arm broken.
Blood clots on the brain.
The whole body covered with bruises.
Are you too ashamed
to look at these photographs, sir?
Here's one that might please you indeed.
His jaw broken.
His nose broken.
His cheekbone crushed.
His eye hanging out of its socket
and dangling on the crushed cheekbone.