A Dry White Season

Law and justice.
When the system's threatened,
they'll do anything to defend it.

That means that that black detainee...
- What was his name?
- Mabaso.

Means that he...
gave his life...
for a charade?
He knew, like we all know,
that with enough black bodies...

they won't be able to play that game.
So he just added his.
And you've seen it all before, haven't you?
To you this is just another story.
One more murder isn't news.

But let me tell you something.
It's news to me.

You'd better put your rage in perspective,
Benjamin Du Toit.

This is a long distance race.
You'll need to pace yourself.

- I suppose cynicism goes with the job.
- It's not cynicism, it's realism.

- It has nothing to do with my reality.
- It has everything to do with your reality.

Just because you haven't seen it before
doesn't mean it hasn't always existed.

Stolz didn't just happen yesterday,
and he's not going to just go away.

But then you've always known that or
you wouldn't be here.

I'm too old.
I've been too naive for too long.
Don't say that. You've taken the first step.
Welcome to South Africa, Ben Du Toit.
Are we not answering the telephone today?
My God, Pa,
how could you let it go this far?

You and the kaffir woman,
you look like lovers.

Suzette! Where's your mother?
Hey, Pa, you made the front page.
- You shut up!
- Don't speak to your brother that way.

Where's your mother?
Chris has a new contract
with Van Zyl and Roux.

They know who you are. You didn't stop
to think of anyone else, did you?

Suzette, I was only trying...
What am I making excuses for?
