It's cold.
Come on.
I'm watching the fire.
We don't do fires at night.
We do fires in the day.
At night, we eat, drink
and be mad for each other.
-sounds like an all right life.
-I like it.
-I thought I might try it.
-Try what?
I'd like to get type-rated for air tankers.
Then we'd both be up there instead of...
...one of us on the ground and the other...
Forget it.
I could make it in a year.
With three years of hauling freight,
I've done 1,000 hours.
I saw the last four minutes. Forget it.
It's none of your beeswax.
It is my beeswax and I won't let you do it.
-How will you stop me?
-By telling you "no."
By asking you nicely.
Dorinda, honey, please.
Don't be a pigheaded fool.
That is irresistible.
Now you listen to me for a change.
I'll make you a deal. Here's your chance
to get me out of the air.
I'll ground myself in Flat Rock
and be your girl.
-Have you been talking to Al?
...I head off on my own
and tonight is goodbye.
I'll find my own piece of sky
and a guy who flies sensible.
I fly sensible.
Not when something is on fire.