I think that is very selfish of you.
You should be at the funeral...
...crying and looking terrific
before you enter the nunnery.
You wish!
I'll have better things to do
and better men to do them with.
Forget about these other men, Dorinda.
You'll never be with another man.
I will, too, and he'll be tall.
-No, Dorinda.
-Why not?
-You'll never get over me.
-Don't kid yourself.
No one will ever be as much fun.
You think I have fun when you have fun?
When you fly into some narrow canyon...
...you think I'm on the ground going,
"Boy, this is fun"?
I could understand how you fly...
...if you were risking yourself
for civilization.
If you were...
...putting your life on the line
for another life...
...anybody's life.
I love you, Pete.
But I'm not enjoying it.
Every time you take off...
...I wait for the phone to ring.
I go to bed sick and I get up scared.
I don't like being sick inside all the time.
Do think I like being afraid
that you won't come back.
...I have an idea. Bear with me a second.
Keep an open mind
because it is a pretty radical idea.