This is nice.
It is?
Don't you think so?
Do you think it's possible to see a girl...
...and know right off that she is it?
I think it's possible.
This is hard to talk about.
It's happened to me.
I think you're overdoing this.
It has?
It was last summer.
I only saw her once.
I wish you could have met her.
It's like reading a book,
and after the first page...
...you know how it will turn out.
It was like that.
That's why I'm here.
It feels good to tell somebody that.
Thank you.
Well, I think I'll just...
...come in again.
Rachel, what about your drink?
He's bringing your drink.
I don't think I've ever come across
this particular technique before.
First approach,
this is Cessna skymaster 5-2-1-0 Kilo.
Roger, 1-0 Kilo.
Squawk 0-2-4-7, maintain 5,500.
say again.
-1-0 Kilo...