Great Scott!
McFly, Jennifer Jane Parker,
3793 Oakhurst Street...
...Hilldale, age 47.
47? That's a hell
of a good face-lift!
- What's happening?
- They used her thumbprint to assess her ID.
Since thumbprints never change,
they assume she's the future Jennifer.
We got to stop them.
How? Tell them we're time travelers?
They'd have us committed.
She's clean. We take her home.
To Hilldale?
We won't get there before dark.
They're taking her to your future home!
We'll arrive shortly thereafter,
get her, and return to 1985.
I'll see where I live.
See myself as an old man?
No, that could result in... Great Scott!
Jennifer could conceivably encounter
her future self!
The consequences could be disastrous!
- What do you mean?
- I foresee two possibilities.
One, seeing herself 30 years older would
put her into shock, and she'd pass out...
...or two, the encounter
could create a time paradox...
...and cause a chain reaction that would unravel...
...the space-time continuum
and destroy the entire universe!
Granted, that's a worst-case scenario.
The destruction might be localized,
limited to our own galaxy.
Well, that's a relief.
Let's go and find Jennifer
before she finds herself.
The skyway's jammed.
It'll take forever to get there.
And this stays here!
I didn't invent the time machine to win
at gambling, but to travel through time!
I know.
So, Doc Brown invented a time machine.