All right, Einie, let's find Jennifer.
I live in Hilldale? This is great!
Stay here, change clothes.
If I need you, I'll holler.
I want to check out my house.
We can't risk you running
into your older self. Einie, let's go.
This is bitchin'.
One, seven, four point five zero.
That will be $17 4.50.
Be careful in this neighborhood.
Where's my receipt?
Right here.
How about a tip?
That accident caused a chain reaction,
sending Marty's life down the tubes.
Otherwise, your father's life
would have turned out differently.
The man wouldn't have pressed charges...
...Marty wouldn't have broken his hand,
given up on his music...
...and spent years feeling sorry for himself.
Hey, Mom, nice pants.
The reason
your mother married him...
Turn off.
I want channels 18, 24, 63,
109, 87, and the Weather Channel.
Bringing you
the world's weather 24 hours a day.
Weather conditions remain the same...
Board-certified implant surgeons...
Welcome home, Marty.
Dad's home.
That's right.
He's home. Dad's home.
Lord of the manor.
King of the castle.
What the hell is this?
Lithium mode on.
Yeah. That's better.
Damned kids.
Hey, Son.
Watching a little TV for a change?