...I was monitoring that
scan you just interfaced.
You are terminatedl
Terminated. No! It wasn't my fault, sir.
- Needles was behind it.
- And you cooperated.
It was a sting operation.
I was setting him up.
Read my faxl
No! Please! I cannot be fired.
I'm fired.
This is heavy.
What am I going to tell Jennifer?
Jennifer. Jennifer.
Doc. Am I glad to see you.
Go out the front door. I'll meet you there.
But it doesn't open. There's no doorknob.
Press your thumb to the plate.
What plate?
What does this fax mean?
Mom. It's a joke,
an office joke. It's a joke fax.
I heard you yell.
Calm down. I wasn't yelling.
Needles and I were just joking.
Welcome home, Jennifer.
Lost my job, Mom?
Get out of town.
- I'm young!
- I'm old!
Marty! Marty!
Marty, come quickl Quickl