You know your history. Very good.
I'll never forget that Saturday.
I'd picked my car up from the shop
because I'd rolled it in a drag race.
I thought you crashed into a manure truck.
How do you know about that?
My father told me about it.
Your father?
Before he died.
Yeah. Right.
So there I was, minding my own business.
This crazy old codger with a cane shows up.
He says he's my distant relative.
I don't see any resemblance.
So he says, "How would you like to be rich?"
So I said, "Sure."
So he lays this book on me.
He says this book will tell me the
outcome of every sporting event this century.
All I have to do is bet on the winner
and I'll never lose.
So I said, "What's the catch?"
He says, "No catch. Just keep it a secret."
After that, he disappeared.
I never saw him again.
He told me one more thing.
He said, "Someday a crazy,
wild-eyed scientist...
"...or a kid may show up
asking about that book.
"And if that ever happens..."
Funny. I never thought it would be you.
Biff, you're forgetting one thing.
What the hell is that?
You're dead, you little son of a bitch!