Doc! I blew it.
Biff nailed me. He took the book.
He drove away with it in his car.
It's my fault. I should have left sooner.
- No time for that. Where did he go?
- To the River Road Tunnel.
Get in!
There he is, Doc!
- Let's land on him and cripple his car.
- That's a '46 Ford. We're a DeLorean.
He'll rip us like tin foil.
- So what do we do?
- I have a plan.
Repeating tonight's weather bulletin,
a severe thunderstorm is heading for Hill Valley.
Serving Hill Valley and Hill County...
...you're tuned to KKHV, the voice of Hill Valley.
Turning to community calendar,
the Hill Valley Women's Club bake sale...
...will be held tomorrow from 2:00 to 5:00...
...at the community center on Forest Road.
For you sports fans,
there was much action today in college football.
Here's what happened to the top 10.
UCLA narrowly defeated Washington 19-17.
Michigan State crushed Minnesota 42-14.
Ohio State beat Iowa 20-10.
- Michigan blanked Indiana 30-0.
- Shit.
- It was Notre Dame over North Carolina...
- Son of a bitch.
Oklahoma ripped Iowa State 52-0.
West Virginia lost to Pittsburgh 26-7.
Texas A&M over Rice 20-10.
Maryland defeated Clemson 25-12...
...and it was Texas Christian over Texas 47-20.