
KNO X: Commissioner!
Mrs. Gordon, you look lovely.

Is it true the Commissioner
has a file on the Batman?

There is no Bat. If there were,
we would find and arrest him.

Be straight with me, Commissioner.
How're you making out?
Mr. Dent, I love that tie.
We were discussing winged vigilantes.
What's your stand?

We have enough problems in this city...
...without worrying about ghosts.
Pardon me, but that's not a denial.
Excuse me, I'll be back.
Won't anybody go on record?
- Your Honor, great suit.
- No comment.

GORDON: Robert, what's up?
Anonymous tip.
Napier's cleaning out Axis Chemicals.

Why wasn't I told? Who's in charge?
- Eckhardt.
- Oh, my God!

Come on, let's go.
KNO X: Mr. Gordon?
KNO X: Mr. Gordon?
[Eerie sounds]
Wait, wait. Living room,
dining room, arsenal.

Look at this stuff.
Who is this guy?
He gives to humanitarian causes,
and then collects all this stuff.

KNO X: He probably does it to get chicks.
They like his charity balls.

Don't leave out his very large bankroll.
KNO X: The more they've got,
the less they're worth.

This guy must be the most
worthless guy in America.

Check this out. He must have been
the King of the Wicker People.

[Knox and Vicki chuckle]
Where'd this come from?
VICKI: I have no idea.
