BATMAN: Be careful.
[Clanking of lever, explosive sound]
[Bats flapping their wings]
[Whispers] Bats.
BATMAN: They're great survivors.
VICKI: What is all this?
BATMAN: The police have got it wrong.
They're looking for one product.
The Joker's tainted hundreds
of chemicals at the source.
VICKI: Then whole shipments
would be poisoned.
And we'd all be dead.
The poison only works if the components
are mixed. Hairspray won't do it alone.
But hairspray mixed with lipstick and
perfume will be toxic, and traceable.
How did you figure this out?
BATMAN: Take that to the press.
I might have trouble with that.
A lot of people think
you're as dangerous as the Joker.
BATMAN: He's psychotic.
Some people say the same thing
about you.
BATMAN: What people?
Well, let's face it.
You're not exactly normal... are you?
BATMAN: It's not exactly a normal world.
VICKI: Why did you bring me here?
VICKI: You could have sent that stuff
to the press yourself.
BATMAN: You're right.