Look at Mrs. Gentilhomme
and her poodle...
2 years ago she was still fine,
came to all our meetings...
Now look at her!
That has nothing to do with it,
Growing old is a matter
of dignity...
You have it or you don't.
Frankly, Françoise Gentilhomme...
What are you thinking about?
Summers when we were kids.
Remember when the tar melted
and we had to hop
across the street?
Tar never melts nowadays.
Because the trees have grown.
The trees...
I never thought of that.
Happy birthday!
Thanks, Florence.
Happy birthday, Mom.
Nowfor your present.
What is it?
His name is Baxter.
Come on, Baxter,
say hello to your mistress.
Not there, you filthy hound!
Not upstairs. Come back here!
At first I didn't know what to do.
The 0ld Lady didn't like me...
I scared her.
I knewthat just from her smell.
Not my clothes...!
Come now,
Mrs. Deville, don't get so upset
over a dog.
He not only tears things,
he sticks his nose in...
I found that...
In what?
In... everything...
My lingerie...
That's harmless!