But it's never for long.
She wants me with her.
Stay downstairs!
0r I'll put yourself in the cellar!
Let go of me!
Don't touch me!
I'm uneasy
when people are scared.
So I made an effort
and it worked out OK.
You won't bite?
Can I touch?
You won't bite?
Nice doggy...
It worked out for her,
but not for me.
Did you call your daughter?.
Why should I?
About the dog.
0h, that...
No, I haven't called her.
If it upsets you, I can do it.
No, I'll do it.
Really?. Because I wouldn't mind...
Don't worry.
One diamond!
I could take to Fremont...
the old gardener.
His dog died.
I'll handle myself.
It'd make Fremont happy.
What's wrong with having a dog?
Nothing. I thought...
What if I want a dog?
That bother you?
Certainly not! I thought...
Keep your mind on your cards!
Drives me crazy!
Why're you always butting
into people's lives?
I quit!