
Take it easy, Marguerite.
Do I butt into your life?
Talk about your daughter?. No!

I've had it!
Let me alone!
Please... Wait!
You're being silly!
What'd I say?. Wait for me!

A nice basket!
Her hand is dry, she has no smell,
except what she's touched.
Nowshe's always pawing me.
When she does,
she puts on a special voice...

special for me!
I liked it better
when she was scared.

I don't know what she wants.
She gives me no orders!

She asks nothing of me,
except boring things

like staying beside her.
For a while I thought
she wanted to eat me.

It could still happen...
Because now I know
she'll swallow anything!

Then she goes up to bed,
shuts the door and does things
I'm not allowed to see.

So I go to the window
and think of how
the garden smells.

Something happened
in the street today.

People I don't know arrived.
They were young...
and they laughed.
