You Ok?.
He can really kick!
He's in a hurry to get out.
Feel him.
Put your hand here.
Go on, I won't break.
There... Feel him?
How about here?
I'll finish dressing.
Let's put his crib
in the laundry room.
Southern exposure:
he'll get positive vibes.
Love me?
Wait... You mean it?
I thinkthe Woman's sickness
bothers the man, too.
They've stopped doing
some things.
At night, in the big bed
they talk a bit,
then go right to sleep.
What is it?
A pool, with a fountain.
It's been here all long.
We didn't notice it
under all the junk.
I'm not sure I want it.
The Man loves the earth, like me.
He releases smells
from under the grass...
smells of rot,
or even stronger.
I love that!
The woman doesn't love the earth.
Nowthat she's sick she's cautious,
and stays home.
I go from one to the other.
At the 0ld Lady's
I didn't know my function.
Here it's to go from one
to the other. That's good.