Cut that out!
That your mutt?
Yes, it's my dog.
Call it.
That dog shouldn't run loose!
- He didn't...
- He was gonna!
I don't want him
jumping my bitch.
Mutts like that
should be outlawed!
In America they're illegal!
Call it off!
I'll look around.
Keep Princess in the truck.
I want her fit
for the hunting season.
He your dad?
What's he after?.
You come here a lot?
Yeah... no... sometimes.
The dog likes it.
What's with you?
He's weird today.
Must be Princess's smell.
What about it?
She's in heat.
Dogs can smell it miles away.
It makes them disobey...
They do what they want.
Know who you're like?
In profile?
Eva Braun.
- Who's she?
- Hitler's girl.
Very funny.
It's true... Look.
She looks old.
A bad picture.
They say she was beautiful.
- Then why was she with him?
- Love!
They married just before
Berlin fell.
- Then what?
- Suicide.