- Are you working today?
- Lady Bird's launching a new petunia bed.
I'm the lucky stiff who gets to cover it.
Not to be missed!
- Big interview?
- Yes, I'm interviewing Lady Bird's gardener.
Philip, I think we'll call the tree George.
- Philip!
- Hey, now don't forget. 8 o'clock.
Remember my cousin Ann?
She was at our wedding?
- The one with the overbite?
- She's having them worked on!
She's coming up from Charlottesville
for the weekend.
- Maybe the four of us could get together.
- Louie...!
- Well, OK. Just thought I'd ask.
- Don't ask.
Good time...
Mr Jeffries! Come in.
Come in, come in!
She is going to love these.
An excellent choice.
Give my regards to your wife.
And happy anniversary!
In view of the testimony of the witness
and the arguments of counsel,
I have decided to grant the defendant's motion
to suppress the evidence.
Permission to approach the bench,
Judge Fenwick.