Thank you. That was really sweet of you.
Consider it a graduation present.
- I'm not graduating.
- I am. Tomorrow.
Oh, yeah? Congratulations.
I got to go.
- That wasn't really your mother, right?
- No.
- Have a nice life.
- Thanks. You too.
The Today show is here, they're setting up.
We're not ready! It's not working.
Richard, calm down!
It's just the panic before the storm.
Corinne, Eleanor Roosevelt's wig is missing.
What?! It's got to be here.
I'm sure we'll find it.
- Mamie Eisenhower's hair might work.
- Wrong party. She's a Republican.
- Have you checked Maintenance?
- No. I'm on my way.
Oh! When you go by the Today show set,
casually see what Willard Scott
has on his head.
- Excuse me. Corinne, telephone.
- I'm not here.
- It's your daughter.
- Oh! I'm here.
- Hello, honey!
- Hi Mom
Where are you?
I'm on the New Jersey turnpike.
I'm running a little late. I'll be home for dinner.
Great! Are you alone, or are you
bringing the missing link with you?
Mom, we broke up months ago.
Well, I never thought he was right for you.
I know. OK. I have to go.
Be careful, sweetheart. Bye-bye.
- You were right! Maintenance had it.
- Great.
- And look what I found.
- What?
Jackie Kennedy's earrings!
They were with the dinosaur teeth.
lnventory got 'em mixed up
when we switched buildings.
Corinne, you should have been a first lady.
I was, once.