- Hi.
- What are you doing here?
I wish you'd told me you were coming.
I could have arranged for a private tour.
Come on in.
This is gonna sound a little funny, but
I didn't come to see the museum.
I came here to see you.
I hope you didn't come all the way down
here to apologise about last night.
No, I came to talk about something else.
I'm Louie.
I'm not gonna beat around the bush.
You're not gonna believe me,
but there's something you should know.
All right.
Our rainforests are being destroyed
at a rate of 50 acres a minute!
Alex, do you want to borrow money?
Is this about Miranda?
In part.
Alex, I'm really sorry,
but I have a lunch date in a few minutes.
Look into my eyes.
Does anything seem familiar?
- I beg your pardon?
- It's me.
I'm back.
I wasn't drunk last night at dinner,
and when I saw you
and I saw the house,
my memory came back of my last life.
- What are you talking about?
- With you!
I got my memory back and I realised...
that I was Louie.
I am Louie!
I got recycled.