So anyway. As soon as she said...
they were thinking about
buying a car. I knew it.
If I could get her
behind the wheel. Bingo.
Sale. Commission.
full sticker price.
Then the car breaks down.
That's the thing in sales.
You concentrate on the woman.
Women always liked you. Tom.
You believe me. Don't you?
Why shouldn't I?
You're my husband.
Phil's worth a lot of money.
You really should take him up
on his offer.
You're great at collecting junk.
You'd wind up
running the company.
My psychic. Mrs. Wong...
is encouraging me to express myself.
She says a lot of attractive women
get depressed...
because they think people see
nothing but their looks.
She thinks I have sensitivity
and talent. Larry.
She says that.
Mrs. Wong is "wight."
I should tell you that more often.
I'm sorry.
Would you still slay
a dragon for me?
Maybe a baby dragon.
Mrs. Wong gave me a self-improvement
tape. Would you like to hear it?
Not right now.
I wouldn't hurt you for anything.
You know that. Don't you?