- I want you to meet my father. Vincent.
- My sympathies.
I'm sorry I missed your wedding.
My hernia prevented it.
Edie. I'm sorry.
I have to go to work.
We are still family
even though Phil is gone.
So don't be a stranger. Hmm?
I won't. I promise.
See you later.
Bye. Pops.
Nobody takes a day off
when a man dies anymore?
You know. Funerals
make women really horny.
I never knew Phil all that well.
but this is great turkey tetrazzini.
Here. Mommy.
Oh. Thank you.
Look. I got to go show a car.
As long as Chloe's going
to stay overnight here...
why don't you meet me about 7:30
and we'll go out to eat?
If Mama doesn't need me.
If your mom doesn't need you. Maybe
you can meet me at the showroom.
If Mama doesn't need me.
I'll be there at 7:30.
Beauty and the beast.
I'm never going to get married.
You wait. You'll see.
You'll get married. Have kids...
have a happy life.
Don't eat too much butter though.
You know what I'd
really like to do?
- What?
- Kill someone.
Calmly plan a murder.
Choose the victim...
maybe even someone political...
so I could do the world
some good. You know.
I'd have to think about it first
for a few years.
Hey. It can't be any dumber
than getting married...
and going to work every day.
I mean. It must be more fun.
Mr. Z... I'm going to be
a little late getting back.
It's hard to rush a funeral.
As soon as I can.