I was holding him!
I know, I know.
John, I could smell his head.
Stop it, Rae. Stop it.
No, I can't!
I'm so scared.
I'm so scared.
He's gone. He's gone, baby.
We can never get him back.
It's gonna take a long time.
Now, you know that. They warned us.
Let's go home.
-It'll be worse there.
-I don't think I can get rid of it.
-Yes, you can.
No, I can't.
Don't say that.
Now look.
We've got weeks and weeks.
Calm days, calm seas.
Now, we're gonna get strong.
And when you're strong...
...then we'll go home and we'll start again.
Won't we, Rae?
Say it, Rae. Won't we?
Say it, Rae. Won't we?
What's wrong, Ben?