And who, for the past several years...
has been teaching at the highly regarded
Chester School in London.
- Richard, you forgot your bag.
- Hi, Johnny. Hey, how you doin'?
Glad you could come by.
- Thrilling ceremony as usual, Dr Nolan.
- You've been away too long.
- Hello, Dr Nolan.
- Good to have you.
- This is our youngest, Todd.
Mr Anderson, you have
some big shoes to fill, young man.
- Your brother was one of our finest.
- Thank you.
- Lovely ceremony.
- Thank you. I'm so glad you liked it.
- Gale.
- Tom.
- Good to see you again.
- Hello, Mr Nolan.
- Neil, we expect great things
from you this year.
- Thank you, sir.
- Well, he won't disappoint us.
Right, Neil?
- I'll do my best, sir.
- Come on, son.
- Chin up.
- Okay.
- Chin up.
- No tears now.
- I don't want to go here.
- Honey, I love you.
- I'll walk you over.
- There, there. Do your lessons.
Hey. I hear we're gonna be roommates.
- I'm Neil Perry.
- I'm Todd Anderson.
- Why'd you leave Balincrest?
- My brother went here.
Oh, so you're that Anderson!
This is for his sinuses.
And, oh, if he, if he can't, uh,
swallow, you give him one of these.
- And if he has trouble breathing,
you give him...
- All right, fine.
And, oh, did you remember
your vaporizer? And the vapour...
- Hey, how's it going, Neil?
- Come down here.
- Neil? Study group tonight?
- Yeah, sure.
Business as usual, huh?
Hey, I heard you got the new kid.
Looks like a stiff!