"O Captain! My captain!"
Who knows where that comes from?
Not a clue?
It's from a poem by Walt Whitman
about Mr Abraham Lincoln.
Now, in this class,
you can either call me Mr Keating...
or if you're slightly more daring
O Captain, my Captain.
Now let me dispel a few rumours,
so they don't fester into facts.
Yes, l, too, attended Hell-ton
and have survived.
And, no, at that time I was not
the mental giant you see before you.
I was the intellectual equivalent
of a 98-pound weakling.
I would go to the beach, and people
would kick copies of Byron in my face.
Mr Pitts.
That's a rather unfortunate name.
Mr Pitts, where are you?
Mr Pitts, will you open your hymnal
to page 542?
Read the first stanza
of the poem you find there.
- "To The Virgins to Make Much of Time"?
- Yes. That's the one.
Somewhat appropriate, isn't it?
"Gather ye rosebuds while ye may,
old time is still a-flying...
and this same flower that smiles today,
tomorrow will be dying."
Thank you, Mr Pitts.
"Gather ye rosebuds
while ye may."
The Latin term for that sentiment
is carpe diem.
Now who knows what that means?
Carpe diem.
That's seize the day.
- Very good, Mr...
- Meeks.
Meeks. Another unusual name.
Seize the day.
"Gather ye rosebuds
while ye may."
- Why does the writer use these lines?
- Because he's in a hurry.
No! Ding!