yields the measure of its greatness.
A sonnet by Byron might score high...
on the vertical,
but only average on the horizontal.
A Shakespearean sonnet on the,
on the other hand would...
score high both horizontally
and vertically...
yielding a massive total area...
thereby revealing the poem
to be truly great.
As you proceed through the poetry in
this book, practise this rating method.
As your ability to evaluate poems
in this manner grows...
so will, so will your enjoyment
and understanding of poetry."
That's what I think of
Mr J. Evans Pritchard.
We're not laying pipe.
We're talking about poetry.
How can you describe poetry
like American Bandstand?
"Oh, I like Byron. I give him a 42,
but I can't dance to it."
Now, I want you to rip out that page.
Go on. Rip out the entire page.
You heard me. Rip it out.
Rip it out!
Go on. Rip it out!
Thank you, Mr Dalton.
Gentlemen, tell you what.
Don't just tear out that page,
tear out the entire introduction.
I want it gone. History.
Leave nothing of it.
Rip it out! Rip!
Be gone,J. Evans Pritchard, PhD.
Rip. Shred. Tear.
Rip it out!
I want to hear nothing but ripping
of Mr Pritchard.
We'll perforate it,
put it on a roll.
It's not the Bible.
You're not gonna go to hell for this.
Go on. Make a clean tear.
I want nothing left of it.
- We shouldn't be doing this.
- Rip! Rip! Rip!
Rip it out! Rip!