- Quite an interesting class
you gave today, Mr Keating.
- Sorry if I shocked you, Mr McAllister.
Oh, there's no need to apologize.
It was very fascinating,
misguided though it was.
You think so?
You take a big risk by encouraging them
to become artists, John.
When they realize that they're not
Rembrandts, Shakespeares or Mozarts,
they'll hate you for it.
We're not talking artists, George,
we're talking freethinkers.
Freethinkers at 17?
Funny. I never pegged you
as a cynic.
Not a cynic.
A realist.
Show me the heart
unfettered by foolish dreams...
and I'll show you a happy man.
But only in their dreams
can men be truly free.
'Twas always thus,
and always thus will be.
No. Keating.
Hey, I found his senior annual
in the library.
Listen to this. Captain of the soccer
team, editor of the school annual,
Cambridge bound...
thigh man,
and the Dead Poets Society.
"Man most likely to do anything."
Thigh man!
Mr K was a hell-raiser.
- What's the Dead Poets Society?
- I don't know.
- Is there a picture in the annual?
- No.
- Nothing. No other mention of it.
That boy there, see me after lunch.
Mr Keating?
Mr Keating!
- Sir?
- Say something.
O Captain, my Captain?
We were just looking
in your old annual.
Oh, my God.
No, that's not me.
Stanley "The Tool" Wilson.
- God.
- What was the Dead Poets Society?