Dead Poets Society

l, I didn't do it.
I didn't write a poem.

Mr Anderson thinks that everything
inside of him is worthless...

and embarrassing.
Isn't that right, Todd?
Isn't that your worst fear?

Well, I think you're wrong. I think
you have something inside of you...

that is worth a great deal.
"I sound...
my barbaric...
over the rooftops...
of the world."
W.W. Uncle Walt again.
Now, for those of you who don't know,
a yawp is a loud cry or yell.

Now, Todd, I would like you to give us
a demonstration of a barbaric "yawp."

Come on. You can't yawp sitting down.
Let's go. Come on. Up.

You gotta get in "yawping" stance.
- A, a yawp.
- No, not just a yawp. A barbaric yawp.

- Yawp.
- Come on, louder.

- Yawp.
- No, that's a mouse. Come on. Louder.

- Yawp.
- Oh, good God, boy, like a man!
- Yawp!

There it is. You see, you have
a barbarian in you after all.

Now, you don't get away
that easy.

That picture of Uncle Walt up there.
What does he remind you of?
Don't think. Answer. Go on.

- A m-m-madman.
- What kind of madman?

- Don't think about it.
Just answer again.
- A c-crazy madman.

No, you can do better than that.
Free up your mind. Use your imagination.

Say the first thing that pops into your
head, even if it's total gibberish.

- Go on, go on.
- Uh, uh, a sweaty-toothed madman.

Good God, boy, there's a poet
in you after all.

There, close your eyes.
Close your eyes. Close 'em.

Now, describe what you see.
- Uh, l, I close my eyes.
- Yes?

- Uh, and this image floats beside me.
- A sweaty-toothed madman?

A sweaty-toothed madman
with a stare that pounds my brain.

Oh, that's excellent. Now, give him
action. Make him do something.
