Need a ride, gentlemen?
How much farther
we got?
'Bout 60 miles.
You're max greene,
aren't ya?
Yeah, i thought so.
Frank told me about you
last job i worked with him.
Said you were the best explosives
man he'd ever worked with.
I'm ray.
Ray forgy.
You're carlos barrios,
Frank told you about me too? No.
Soledad. I was there
same time you were.
What about him?
You seem to know everybody here. Who's he?
Don't know him.
You don't know him?
- I don't know him either.
- Me neither.
Doesn't seem fair us not knowing who
he is now that he knows who we are.
I guess i'm not as famous
as you guys.
Nick bartkowski. Glad to meet ya.
Now we can all be best friends, huh?
Wake me when we get there, then
i'll get your fuckin' autographs.
So, who gets to
do the honors?