All they got out here is blue
skies and cow shit. Cow shit.
You weren't thinking of going
into cattle rustling, were ya?
Come on, frank.
Satisfy my curiosity.
We can't charge you for something
youthought you were gonna do.
He's mad at us, george. I
think we ruined his plans.
Bill, he's only got himself to
blame. You're right there, george.
We warned him the last time he hit one of
our banks in newark we were gonna get him.
Well, frank, we got ya. Yeah.
You belong to new jersey now. Just
a quick little plane ride away.
Pull over at the next station.
I gotta leak my lizard.
Okay, sure.
How'd you find me?
Well, let me see, frank. How did
we find ya? You remember, bill?
His stepmother told us.
That's right.
Your stepmother told us.
But don't get her wrong. She
wouldn't tell us right off.
We had to beat it
out of her.
Frank, we're just kidding.
We didn't touch her.
No, we didn't lay a hand on
her. It cost us a hundred bucks!
Your stepmom
drives a hard bargain!
If it'll make you
feel any better,
she wouldn't take anything
less than a hundred.