Get 'em, get 'em! Shit! Come on!
God, we don't fish in newark!
Son of a bitch. Don't drop it!
Come on!
You got it?
I got it! I got it!
Hold on. Hold on.
Oh, thank god. Thank god is
right. I wasn't going back in.
It's so wet though.
Oh, no.
- Oh, no.
- What? What?
- My pants. They're not here!
- What?
My wallet, my keys,
my badge, everything!
They're not fucking here!
Goddamn it!
We'll find 'em... maybe.
Please let it be
a cadillac.
My car broke down.
I need a lift
into town.
I'm not going the highway, but this
road'll take you halfway. That do?
- Sure will.
- Hop in back. Don don't let nobody ride in the cab.
Oh, yeah.
In back.
Come on.