Do the Right Thing

# Power to the people, no delay #
# Make everybody see #
# In order to fight
the powers that be #

# Fight the power #
# Fight the power #
# Fight the power #
# Fight the power #
#We got to fight
the powers that be ##

[ Ring ]
Wake up?
Wake up,
wake up, wake up?

Upya wake, upya wake,
upya wake?

This is Mister Señor Love Daddy?
Yourvoice of choice?
The world's only 1 2-hour
strong man on the air,

Here on We-Love radio, 1 08 FM?
The last on your dial,
but first in your hearts,

and that's the truth, Ruth?
Here I am?
Am I here?

Ya know it? Itya know?
This is Mister Señor Love Daddy
doing the nasty toya ears,
ya ears to the nasty?

I's only play
da platters dat matter

the matters dey platter,
and that's the truth, Ruth?
From the heart of Bed-Stuy,
you're listening to We-Love radio?
Doing the ying and the yang,
the hip and the hop,

the stupid fresh thing,
the flippity-flop?

I have today's forecast foryou?
Hot! Sss!
The color for today is black?
That's right, black?
So absorb these rays
and save that heat forwinter?

So wear that black
and be involved?

Also today's temperature
is rising over 1 00 degrees?

So that's aJheri-curl alert.
