That's right?
Vito, sti cazzi.
Fuck that?
I get paid for delivering pizzas?
You're paid
to do what we say?
What we say?
Did you hear Sal?
Sal didn't say nothing?
Who's working forwho?
Come on in, Mayor?
Morning, gentlemen?
Pino, Mookie, Vito, Sal?
How are you?
Ooh-whee? It's going to be
a scorcher today?
That's for sure?
Need any work done here?
Daddy, perchè tu dai
questo azupep soldi per niente affatto.
Why don't you
leave him alone?
He's a good man?
Leave him alone?
Choose your weapon, Mayor?
You dropped something, Mayor?
You are going to have
the cleanest sidewalk in Brooklyn?
Clean as the Board
of Health? Ha-ha!
All right, Mayor?
Pop, I don't believe
this shit?
You running welfare
or something?
Every dayyou give
this azupep a dollar?
What's azupep?.
Areyou Italian?
The Mayor ain't no azupep.
You give this azupep a dollar
for sweeping our sidewalk?
What's Mookie for, huh?
He don't even work?
I work harder,
and I'm your son?
Let's see you carry
six large pies up six flights,
no elevator either and shit?
Shut up, you two?
Yeah, Pop?
Why don'tyou shut up, too, Vito?
We're going to talk?
Says who?
Says who?
Says me?
What did I just say?
Don't start that
"Mookie don't work" shit?
Yo, Ahmad!
I coulda done that?
Man, shut up?
Yo, Ahmad!
Shit? Look, stop?
Punchy, you want to do
any more screaming,
be my guest?
Yo, who's yelling my name?
Well, Punchy told me to?
Punchy told me to?
Don't listen to this knothead?