Do the Right Thing

Not so loud!
I want to listen
to my salsa music!

Chill! Chill! Chill!
You thinkyou got it
like that, bro? ¿Chocolate?

[ Laughter]
Let's go, motherfucker!
Turn it up, Stevie!
Blow it away!
Blow it!

Yeah, blow it away!
Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!
Turn up the bongos!
Oh, yeah!
Yo, Steve!
Put it up loud?

Yeah, man!
You got it, bro?
¡Hey, pendejo!
¿Quépasa, la neta?
Come on, Steve, man?
Rafael, suba el volumen.
You're dead, choco-man?
He's a punk anyway, man?
Yo! Hey? ¡Pendejo!
Hey, ¡pendejo! What's up?
He's a sucker, man?
A punk?

He's a sucker, man?
See last night's game?
Uh-huh? I saw it?
Best pitcher in the game--
Dwight Gooden?
I knewyou'd bring that up?
Who's better?
Roger Clemens?
Clemens sucks?
He can't carry Dwight's jock?

Dwight's best in the game?
Dwight's best in the game?
What's up, Buggin' Out?
You the man?
No, you the man?
No, you the man?
No, you the man?
No, you the man?
I'm a struggling black
trying to keep my dick hard
in a cruel world?

What's with the white boy?
Don't start no shit?
Vito's down?
Vito's down, all right?
