Yeah, right?
Vito's down?
You almost knocked me down?
The word is "excuse me?"
Excuse me?
I'm sorry?
You stepped on
my brand-new white AirJordans?
That's all you can say?
You're serious?
Yeah! I'll fuck
your prick two times!
Two times!
Who told you to be
in my neighborhood?
I own this brownstone?
Who told you to buy a brownstone
in my neighborhood?
What do you want to live
in a black neighborhood for,
I understand this is
a free country?
A man can live
wherever he wants?
Free country?
I should fuckyou up for saying that?
Yo, man?
YourJordans are fucked up!
Might as well throw them shits out?
They're broke?
They looked good
before he messed them up?
He was even talking
aboutyour mama--
Shit, you used
to be so fine!
How much they cost?
$1 00!
$1 08 with tax?
You're lucky
I got a loving heart?
Next time, cross the street quick?
I'm out ofhere?
Break his feet!
You should buy me another pair!
Black Panther'd whip his ass!
You're lucky I'm
a righteous black man!
Otherwiseyou'd be
in serious trouble! Serious!
Let's fuck him up?
Move back to Massachusetts!
I was born in Brooklyn?
- No!
- Oh!
- Man!
Get outta here!
I should send Vito
with you all the time?
Yeah? No more
90-minute deliveries
Around the corner?
I work hard like
everybody else here, OK?